Monday, June 11, 2007

Monsoon, Wetting

Late in the day it began to pour. Not a regular rain, but heavy, with unbelievably loud peals of thunder and big drops onto the terrace outside my window. I don't usually like turning on the florescent lights in my office (flashback to the cubicle I left), but suddenly it was like night, the streets below instantly mud rivers. The building I am working in has a glass dome over a kind of central atrium, and the sound of the rain beating on it was unbelievable. Then, just as quickly it stopped and the sky cleared.

Walking home, I came to a crosswalk that had water at least foot deep all the way across. I stood for a moment, trying to look for a way around it as bicyclists and mopeds sloshed through. Finally, I just took off my sneakers and rolled up my jeans and waded barefoot across, and all the way back home, through huge cloudy puddles, like everyone else.

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